the sounding of the "SEVENTH ANGEL".... the sounding of the "SEVENTH TRUMPET"...
Rev 11:15
And the "SEVENTH ANGEL".... sounded; and there were great voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ, and he shall reign forever and ever.
When the blessed seer of Patmos first introduced the seventh angel, he wrote, “And the angel which I saw…sware by Him that liveth for ever and ever…that…in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished” (Rev. 10:5-7). The words, “In the days of the voice of the seventh angel,” and the words, “when he begins to sound,” speak volumes to us because the complete sounding of that trumpet involves a process of time and shows us that our change which comes with the sounding of seventh, or last, the trumpet is not to find its total consummation in one specific moment. There is the obvious implication of a prolonged sounding extending through various periods and dealings. Yet at the initial sounding, the “mystery” of God’s purpose..... GOD'S PLAN AND PURPOSE OF THE AGES..... in His elect shall no longer be restrained or hidden! This mystery MUST BE REVEALED..... MADE KNOWN... at the sounding of the SEVENTH TRUMPET...
The elect of God are and have heard this trumpet, for the mystery of God has been revealed in the midst of the saints in these days! When the seventh trumpet sounds wonderful things take place in the realm of the heavens... the temple of God is opened in heaven... in and by the Spirit, the ark... "the Lord Jesus himself" of the covenant is seen in His temple, a great wonder appears in heaven.... a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars: And she being with child cries, travailing in birth, and pained to be delivered. And she brings forth a manchild..... THE SAVIOURS OF THE WORLD.... who is to rule all nations with a rod of iron... THE FULL AUTHORITY AND POWER OF THE LIVING WORD OF GOD.... and her child is caught up unto God, and to His throne.
None of these things happened as a result of the word or ministry of the IN PART..... IMMATURE... HAFT-HEARTED MEN... MERE CARNAL, LITERAL, NATURAL men.... who falsely claimed the identity of the seventh angel. Yet many thousands of the Lord’s people have heard the sounding of the seventh angel, not from the lips of any one individual, but "IN THE SPIRIT" and "BY THE SPIRIT" as the Lord has moved in the midst of His elect! By a deep, spiritual work of God, the stage is being set for glorious things to come!
In the days when THE VOICE... THE SOUND.... of the seventh angel with his trumpet message begins to sound, the mystery of God shall be finished... COMPLETE... . The mystery of God is God manifest in the flesh! “Great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh” (I Tim. 3:16). This is also the mystery of Christ, that God was in Christ, and now God in Christ is in us! This is the mystery of “godliness” or “God-likeness.” Except God be manifest in our flesh, as He was manifest in the flesh of the firstborn Son, there can be no visible image or expression of God. Paul elaborates upon this mystery in these words: “How that BY REVELATION... He made known unto me the mystery; which in other ages was not made known unto the sons of men, as it is now revealed unto His holy apostles and prophets by the Spirit; that the Gentiles should be fellow heirs and of the same body, and partakers of His promise in Christ by the gospel” (Eph. 3:2-6). When you follow the word “mystery” through the writings of the apostles it is clear that the mystery is the body of Christ. In Ephesians 5:31-32 it is the mystery of the union of Christ the Head with Christ the body in all the fullness that that means. It is time, my beloved, for the mystery of God to be finished! Finished means completed or consummated. In the days of the voice of the seventh angel, THE BODY OF CHRIST SHALL BE FINISHED! Not just quantitatively, but qualitatively. That trumpet signifies that the Lord’s elect, the sons of God or the body of Christ, have all been transformed into His image and likeness and grown up unto the measure of the fullness of the stature of Christ! Christ the Head and Christ the body are joined in the blessed union of fullness. The great purpose of God revealed in sons has been accomplished. The mystery of God manifest in the flesh will be finished!
To me, the greatest evidence that the ministry of the seven angels through the seven trumpets finishes our Father’s great work of bringing many sons to glory is found in the fact that at the sounding of the seventh trumpet, which is necessarily also the “last trump,” John is explicitly informed that “in the days of the seventh angel when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished, as He hath declared by His servants the prophets.” This statement gives the meaning and purpose of the vision of the trumpets, and therefore we know what the work of the trumpets accomplishes, and we have the interpretation of the vision! The “mystery” of God which is “finished” is the mystery of CHRIST IN YOU, THE HOPE OF GLORY! (Col. 1:26-27). Yet here, Christ is no longer a hope — HE IS BECOME THE GLORY! The mystery is finished, completed, fulfilled, realized, attained, accomplished, perfected, concluded, and consummated! Isn’t it wonderful!
Just as soon as the seventh angel begins to sound his trumpet message and the mystery of God formed as Christ in His many brethren is finished, the very next scenes are of the temple of God opened in heaven, the ark is seen in His temple, the great wonder of the woman in heaven travailing in birth, and the birth of her remarkable manchild who is to rule all nations with a rod of iron! The seventh trumpet, therefore, signifies that the hour has arrived for the sons of God or the body of Christ to come forth in birth, into full and complete manifestation! This corporate Christ, Head and body, this manchild company, shall rule all nations with a rod of iron. Caught up to God and His throne — into the omnipotence of His authority! No man can rule over the nations without until first he has ruled the “nations” within — all the inclinations, propensities, and powers of the carnal mind and the flesh nature within each of us which also are the characteristics of all the external “kingdoms” of men of the world system.
Those who have overcome all of the “seven nations” which occupy the “land” of our inward spiritual inheritance in Christ, shall then be caught up unto God and His throne, given a “rod of iron,” or “divine authority” to rule all nations in all realms until all have been subdued under the glory and majesty of the kingdom of God! In the days of the voice of the seventh trumpet message the mystery shall be finished, the Christ body completed, and the long and tedious work of preparation of God’s sons shall, at last, be consummated. The trumpet has begun to sound! There is no doubt that you who now read these lines have heard the sound thereof! I am not referring to hearing my word, my message, or my ministry, or that of any other of God’s ministers and scribes, but to that voice which you have clearly and powerfully heard by the spirit within yourself, of which the things we speak serve merely as a confirmation. There is an acceleration of God’s revelatory word in the midst of God’s called and chosen elect, an intensified trumpet declaration, a clear sound of the revelation of Jesus Christ! Listen, my friend, for the sounding of the trumpet voice within your spirit!
If you can hear this trumpet sounding above all the hue and cry of rapture, antichrist, the mark of the beast, world government, great tribulation, denominationalism, sectarianism, mansions over the hilltop, cabins in the corner of glory land, pie in the sky, religious programs, rituals, ceremonies, endless meetings, coverings, bishops, set men, cunningly devised fables, grandiose programs and promotions of men, money raising schemes, false prophets, false healers, lying signs and wonders, carnal health and wealth prosperity doctrines; if you can mount up with wings as eagles and soar high above all this carnal, confused, frustrated clamor of noisy gongs and clanging cymbals, and hear the distinct, plain, unmistakable sound of this last trump, then it can be said to you: Blessed art thou, overcomer, manchild, hundred-fold, firstfruits; for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven!
The seventh trumpet is the final redemptive message and when it is finished sounding God will have made a man in His image! What tremendous truths are being blown on this redemptive trumpet! Let not any man rob you of the greatest sound that man has ever been privileged to hear! A sound with such a high and holy pitch, with tones so deep and profound, that no carnal ear can discern them, and only the Spirit can reveal its message to those who hunger and thirst after righteousness. Do not miss what the Spirit is saying; gird up the loins of your mind with the truth that will fully redeem and transform you, in spirit, soul, and body!
Blessings All...
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