“The same shall DRINK OF THE WINE OF THE PASSION OF GOD (we drink of our Heavenly Father's heart of fervent passion to save, deliver, correct all wrongs--to make them right) which is poured out WITHOUT MIXTURE (IT'S ALL HIM--NO MIXTURE- NO IN-PART REALM) into THE CUP OF HIS INDIGNATION…” (the cup of his HOLY ANGER that purifies and cleans house).
(Rev. 14:10).
Our text says that all the beast (this is the second beast, the beast of religion) worshippers will drink of THE WINE OF THE PASSION OF GOD, and they will drink it out of THE CUP OF HIS RIGHTEOUS INDIGNATION or HOLY ANGER--- designed to correction, change designed to transform the error of the beast worshippers.
This, as we know, is SPIRITUAL SYMBOLIC LANGAUGE (this is how God communicates IN THE BOOK OF REVELATION, for no one will LITERALLY have to drink NATURAL wine out of a NATURAL CUP in God’s hand! The language employed here IS SPIRITUAL--GOD LANGUAGE is drawn from Jeremiah’s prophecies concerning the literal city of Babylon-- IN WHICH WE HEAR BY THE SPIRIT OF WISDOM AND REVELATION. Here is the prophecy....
“For thus saith the Lord God of Israel unto me: Take the wine cup of THIS FURY--THAT CORRECTS at my hand, and cause all the nations, to whom I SEND THEE, to drink it. And they SHALL DRINK, and BE MOVED, and BE MAD, BECAUSE of THE SWORD-- THE WORD that I will send among them. Then took I the cup from the LORD'S HAND, and made ALL the nations to drink, unto whom the Lord had sent me” (Jer. 25:15-17). Jeremiah was IN THE SPIRIT.... communicating with the Lord who is a spirit-- the cup is symbolic of the WORD OF THE LORD HIMSELF.... therefore Jeremiah as he received this cup was in reality receiving THE WORD--- THE LIFE of the LORD HIMSELF to be sent to ALL NATIONS.... And he SENT THE LIVNG WORD HIMSELF....
Jeremiah did not literally take a cup out of God’s hand and make all the peoples of the nations drink of A NATURAL WINE. THE LITERAL MIND OF MAN IS A MESS--IS MAD. Our “communion service” is not literal-- BUT WE FEAST ON HIS BREAD--THE WORD AND HIS REVELATION WINE OF THE SPIRIT! Perhaps he symbolically poured out a cup of wine upon the ground, but I rather think this was all accomplished in A SPIRITUAL WAY. But the result of this “wine” was to confuse the understanding of the nations that God was judging. “They shall… go mad,” the Lord said. Ah, Babylon in our day is already in a MAD “confused” state. That is the meaning of Babylon — CONFUSION!
Oh, what confusion in the religious systems of man! Thousands of conflicting creeds, names, organizational structures, and disciplines, each clamoring that they, and they alone, are the manifestation of all truth and the way to salvation and heaven. Now when God gives them of His wine He will confuse their confusion — what a thought that is! I’m sure you’ve heard the old cliché, “I’ve got my mind made up — don’t confuse me with THE TRUTH.”
The “WINE OF HIS PASSION” out of the “CUP OF HIS HOLY RIGTHEOUS ANGER” is THE PURE TRUTH OF SPIRIT so sharp and piercing, in such power and demonstration of the HOLY SPIRIT, that the citizens of Babylon will be shocked, astounded, shaken, broken, reeling to and fro, staggering like drunk men under the influence of
the impact of God’s rebuke--- DESIGNED BY THE WORKING AND DEALING OF GOD'S HOLY ANGER TO BRING REPENTANCE, CHANGE, COMMUNION, FELLOWSHIP IN THE SPIRIT OF WISDOM AND REVELATION.... The "wine of the passion of God and the cup of his righteous indignation IS NOT GIVEN UNTO THE SINNERS OF THIS WORLD to sentence them to ETERNAL DAMNATION..... NO!!!! This passage is given unto THE CARNAL-NATURAL-LITERAL church realm.... To call natural minded men INTO THE SPIRITUAL
Let us not think of God’s “indignation or anger” as an emotional response, as if God has a hot, uncontrollable temper AS DO FALLEN MEN, and rashly retaliates against those who DISHONOR HIM. God says to men today as He did of old, “You thought that I was altogether such an one AS YOU ARE.” PEOPLE THINK THAT ALMIGHTY GOD THINKS LIKE A FALLEN CARNAL MAN... But God is not like a CARNAL man! “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord” (Isa. 55:8).
God is all-wise and sovereign and does not suffer from temper tantrums or fits of frustration or rage WHEN MEN ARE NOT ACTING RIGHT. His “anger” is His sovereign will expressed through His passion to BRING CORRECTION and MAKE ALL THINGS RIGHT, even as His judgments are the essential corrections which bring men into alignment and agreement with His holiness. His Holy Anger is much like a loving passionate Father, dealing with his child to bring correction and much needed discipline. The loving Father always has his child's best interest at heart. It is all executed by His hot, burning, passionate love nature, and all is positively designed for man’s good, and unto His own praise and glory.
Blessings All!
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