SCRIPTURE: Wisdom is the principle thing; therefore get wisdom and with all thy getting, get understanding. Proverbs 4:7 THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: Every spiritually wise person is an anointed thinker; he is given to depth of thought. It is clear from Scriptures that wisdom is behind the making of great people in the Kingdom. When God wants to make a man a generational authority like Moses, David, Daniel or Solomon, He fills him with wisdom. Wisdom is not cleverness or natural intelligence. One way wisdom is manifested is by the capacity to rationalize, analyse and reason logically by the Help of the Holy Spirit. This makes a person arrive at the best decisions within a given set of alternatives. So, wisdom helps us to reason out solutions and answers. Every spiritually wise person is an anointed thinker; he is given to depth of thought. Now, what is the way of wisdom? It is passion for God. Moses was a man who was passionate about God (Exodus 3:1-3). He was an established wise man in Scriptures; he was so wise that he pastored about three and a half million people. He also wrote the first five Books of the Bible that included the story of creation without being present at creation. Those who travel in the vehicle of passion carry the wisdom of God. A man who loves God passionately can never be bankrupt of mentality; he cannot have a head that is devoid of wisdom.

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