This was delivered to me on the 16/02/2020 by 7:12am but now allowed to be released to the public
Please read carefully and position your self.
I saw an invitation sent out throughout the whole earth and bulk of it was sent to the continent of Africa especially Nigeria. It is a mail from the Eternal One that moves very swiftly like rapid fire!
It is an invitation from the Spirit of God.
It is an invitation to have solid encounters with Jesus that will solidify your conviction in him and align you to the assignment of God upon your life that agrees with THIS LAST MOVE OF GOD THAT HAVE ALREADY BEGAN. The days ahead are serious days!
To many it is an inward yearning, a heavy impression or burden, or desire to go deeper with the Holy Ghost. It supersedes human understanding or intelligence. It is a Spirit Invitation, not a product of man or activities of life and ministry. It is a beckoning from the Spirit of God.
To some, it is a strange desire to do ministry
To some, it is a deadly hunger to seek God with Prayer and Fasting until they see His Hand move in their territory.
To some, it is a deep drive to Pray hard and Long till they touch deeper realities of heaven
To some it is a godly hunger to become a billionaire and fully sponsor kingdom projects at all level
To some it is a strong but healthy drive for mental exploit for Inventions, Innovations and Productivity that will advance Gods program in these last days
I saw young people from different Christian blocks who are tired of religion and tradition of men that have promoted denominationalism at the expense of the unity /Joint race of the body of Christ and young people from the Islamic world accepting this invitation with joy and running with it. This is banquet for great eagles in the kingdom of God.
Oh may we not be left out. We must pay whatever price under God to be in alignment for this upcoming move of God that has begun.
Note this following:
It is a come up hither experience and behold the things that shall be after now
It is a come up to Mount of Olives experience to behold the operations of the Holy Ghost
It is a come up to the mount of transfiguration experience to be fashioned into the vessel God will use
It is a come up to the mount of sermon by Jesus experience to behold deep mysteries of the kingdom that guarantee dominion
It is come up to the Mount of Moriah experience and Make the sacrifices that will plunge your name in the catalogue of Gods general
It is come up to the mountain of the Lords experience and be among the heaven’s elected few that will be kingdom Financiers in billions
It is come up to the Mount Carmel experience and touch the mystery of raw fire that will roast all devils opposing the body of Christ and your greatness in the kingdom
It is come up to the mount of glory like Moses to behold the Shekina and obtain deep secrets that will preserve this upcoming generation
It is mount Zion experience where God stamps His integrity upon the life’s of men.
This is more than the Garden of Eden experience before the fall
This is beyond the normal revelation experience; it is the reality of God materializing in the earth realm to proof to hell that He alone is God and deserve the worship of men
NB: If you just read this Prophecy from the Spirit of God now and your heart was pricked/ or was burning then you are one of those this SPIRIT INVITATION IS MEANT FOR. PAY THIS PRICE OF INTIMACY BEFORE THIS SUPERNATURAL FLIGHT ABOUT TO TAKE OFF LEAVES YOU BEHIND.
May God help us All!
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