Greater than your thought

Greater than your thought


● Isaiah  55:8-9 

● Romans 8:28-29 

● Jerimaih  29:11 

● 2kings21:14 

● proverb 3:5-6 

● 2corinthians1:4

God  Thought for  Us. 

What does God mean when He says, “my thoughts are higher than your thoughts” in Isaiah  55:9? Most of us are yet to come to a true understanding of what  God meant when he mentioned this. Let's see  Isaiah  55:9 In one of the beautiful  passages  in  Isaiah  55, the  Lord cries  out  to  Israel  to  return  to  Him  and reminds  them that only He can supply what they  need.  He then says, “For my thoughts are not  your thoughts,  neither  are  your  ways  my ways.  .  .  .  As  the  heavens  are  higher  than the earth,  so  are  my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts” (verses 8–9)

A loving  parent  does  things  for  a  child  that  the child  doesn’t  understand.  Likewise,  the  Lord loves,  guides,  protects and  provides  for  us  in ways we don’t understand. His thoughts are higher than ours.  As  an infinite  Being with infinite  wisdom,  God knows and understands things  we cannot comprehend. We are wise when we bow to that knowledge rather than demand that He do things our way. We live in a material  world,  so our natural focus  is  primarily  on  our  physical  needs.  But when our thoughts are centered on mundane matters,  we  miss what God wants to show us. He is beyond time and space. His thoughts are always  on the big picture.  Our  thoughts  are earthly;  His  are  heavenly.  Our  thoughts  are limited;  His are  unlimited  and  unsearchable.

When God promises that “all things work together  for  the  good  to  them who love God and are called  according  to  His  purpose” (Romans 8:28),  His definition  of  good may not match ours.  We may not see our struggles as leading  to  anything  good  because  we can’t see into  the  future.  We  cannot  know how God’s work in our lives  will  impact  ourselves  and countless  others.  He  sees  the  whole  picture;  we see  only  the  frame.  Lost  in  our lowly thoughts, we cannot fathom the higher plan of God. That’s  why we have to trust His character when we don’t understand. In  Jeremiah  29:11  God expresses  some of His higher  thoughts  toward  Israel:  “For  I  know  the plans  I  have  for  you,  .  .  .  plans  to  prosper  you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”  In  this  verse,  God  promised  that the  Israelites,  exiled  in  Babylon,  would  one  day return  to  their  homeland.  

He  encouraged them not  to  give  up or think that the Lord had abandoned them. His thoughts toward them were higher  than they could imagine, and they had to put their  faith  in  His  promises,  even while  enduring  His  discipline  (2  Kings  21:14; Jeremiah  29:14).  God  was reminding His children  that  He  can  see  around corners and into  a  future  that  they  could  not  see.  As  God’s children  today,  we  can  also  claim  this  verse, knowing that God’s thoughts toward each of us are  on a higher plane than our own. When God allows sorrow and pain to enter the lives  of  His  beloved  children,  it  is  because  His thoughts  are  higher  than  our thoughts.  He intends  to  use  our  dificulties to produce the character  of  Christ  in  us  (Romans  8:29).  He comforts  us  in our troubles  so  that  we can learn to  comfort  others  (2  Corinthians  1:4).  His  goals for  us  are  higher  than our goals for ourselves because  His  thoughts  always  have an eternal dimension.  Our  experiences  are  small  pieces  in a  giant  puzzle  that  stretches  across  human history  from  beginning  to  end.  We may not understand  our  part  in  the  puzzle,  but  we can trust  that  God  does.  As  we surrender to His plan,  we  set  aside  our  earth-bound thoughts and allow His higher thoughts to direct  our paths  (see  Proverbs  3:5–6).

Faith  our  Anchor. 

WHAT IS FAITH? Biblically,  faith  is  the  assurance  of  things hoped for,  the  conviction  of  things  not  seen. Hebrew 11:1. God's  thought  is  greater  than  our  thought. Therefore  we need have faith as our Anchor and faith  in  the  word of God Let's  look  at  some things  we need to do as believers. 

° Meditate  on God's word 

°Pray  with  faith 

°Build  up  your  faith  in  God ( mark 11:22-24). Anything  we believe  in  his  name will be done. 

°Examine your heart.  

In  faith  there  is  no worries.  Where  there  is an absence  of  faith,  there is  fear.  If  we trust  God  and  have  faith in  him, having the knowledge that his thoughts for  us  are  of  good and not of evil to give us an expected  end, then  we begin to see himself manifest  in  our  lives.

Total  dependence  on  God

Jesus  speaking  in  Jeremiah  1:5.he  said  before  I formed thee I knew thee. With this, we should depend on God totally.  When and how it will end only him knows. What we might be thinking  is  not  what    God might be thinking. Total  submission  to  God brings his thoughts for  our  life  into  fulfillment. 


God is not a man that he should lie. He never fails.  He  is  the  God  who is and is to come. Our thoughts  should  be  his  thoughts,  for  his thoughts  are  higher  than  ours.  Let  our  Faith in him be firm, for those that put their trust in him will  never  be put to shame.


God's  thought  is  Higher  than our Thought. Knowing this biblical  fact,  be  still  and  know that he is  God.  Psalm 46:10. 

Please let's pray: 

Heavenly  Father we thank you for today. We thank you for teaching s this evening and opening our eyes to see what you want us to see 

 you for reminding us about your thought and how you still have us in your heart. Hold our hands till the end of time.  This we pray in Jesus' name amen.

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