Jesus is our book of Life

Jesus is our book of Life



Rev 20:15... And whosoever was not found written in the BOOK OF LIFE was cast into the lake of fire.

This BOOK OF LIFE has a name... This Book Of Life is a glorious spiritual sign, spiritual symbol, and prophetic spiritual picture of none other than the LORD JESUS HIMSELF alive within our hearts...... It is this BOOK OF LIFE who is CHRIST IN US the hope of experiencing and living out here on earth ALL OF HIS WONDERFUL RESURRECTED LIFE, POWER AND GLORY. This Book is and shall be openly EXPERIENCED AND READ of all men..... AS THEY PIER WITHIN OUR HEARTS..... THEY MUST SEE JESUS THE POWER, LIGHT, AND LIFE OF THIS WORLD.....

The nature of Death hath no power, influence, or dominion over this awesome Book of life WITHIN... Thus when we see by the Spirit of wisdom and revelation this spiritual phrase in this text..... "and whosoever was not found written in the BOOK OF LIFE".... we know and understand by the Spirit God is revealing that if there is anything in the heart of man that is not in/of THIS BOOK OF LIFE NATURE AND CHARACTER... It must have its portion in-- thus being cast into THE LAKE OF FIRE that burns within with cleansing HOLY GHOST POWER AND MIGHT..... We are washed clean through the fiery living water-words that He speaks within us...

Whatsoever that lives in men's heart that is not of the nature and character of THIS GLORIOUS BOOK OF LIFE..... Whatsoever is outside of this life-book within--thus not being a part of the Book of Life within us.... must be cast into this wonderful Lake of Fire which burns with Holy Ghost purging-cleansing fire.

Oh yes, this Book of Life also has another aspect of its nature and character..... it is also a CONSUMING FIRE..... YES OUR BOOK OF LIFE IS ALSO A DIVINE PURIFYING LAKE OF FIERY CLEANING POWER AND PURIFICATION. These fiery water-words shall cleanse us from all unrighteousness as everything within our hearts is being dealt with by His Holy Love and Presence. Nothing shall escape THIS GLORIOUS BOOK...... For HE MUST REIGN..... UNTIL every knee bows before him in honor and glory to his mighty name..... Everything within us shall call HIM LORD OF ALL...

YES JESUS IS THE BOOK OF LIFE... YES JESUS IS ALSO THE LAKE OF FIRE THAT BURNS IN HOLY PURIFICATION AND CLEANSING POWER AND MIGHT..... Thus this Book is alive and well WITHIN US.... therefore nothing outside shall escape the saving power of this grace-filled GLORIOUS BOOK...... called THE BOOK OF LIFE......

Let God arise and let our enemies be scattered from before His wonderful face.....

Blessings all.....

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