Paul defines the Christian life as all about Christ and nothing about the believer (Galatians 2:20).
Christian ministry (service) is an organic overflow of the Christian life and not an engineered display of the amplitudes of human ingenuity. Everything that the minister does must be routed through Christ for it to be acceptable before God.
Human ability must be subject to Christ for it to be buoyed by the superior supply of strength from God (Philippians 4:13). This is what separates a messenger of God from a public speaker: The words of a public speaker are powered by human genius while the words of the minister of Christ are powered by the very strength of God!
God supplies what He commands. He supplies all the requisite resource tools for a thorough execution of what He commanded to His minister. By resource tools I mean everything that the minister needs to get the job done on the ground. It takes patience to take full delivery of this.
At the point of taking delivery of God’s resource tools is where ministers are most tempted to renege on their love oath to the Lord and break out of ‘prison’ and begin to run wild like mustangs.
The temptation to replace the ORAGNIC with the ENGINEERED rattles the minister’s peace and quiet confidence in the Lord. The focus of ministry: Christ is quickly being overshadowed by the need to prove points to people. Especially to prove the point that one is not failing. And in the end, the goal of ministry: Christ is supplanted by vainglory.
May the Lord show us all mercy and grant us grace to be faithful!
Your brother,
Arome Osayi
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