Jesus Is The Pattern Son


Jesus Is The Pattern Son


God’s method of dealing with "self..... the ungodly nature of self" is THE SPIRITUAL CROSS OF CHRIST. The cross of Christ is not the natural.... literal.... old rugged.... wooden cross, the old rugged cross of Golgotha’s hill.... No... the cross of Christ is a living reality.... working mightily within our lives daily.... It is the spiritual principle of death.... and power of the cross WROUGHT OUT.... "worked out" within OUR daily experiences.   

The Lamb of God is the Man of the cross, but in the book of Revelation the Lamb "IS NEVER SEEN".... on mount Calvary. The very first view we have of "THE LAMB" in the Book of Revelation... is in the midst of "THE THRONE OF HIS RULING AUTHORITY AND POWER! HERE IT IS.... And I beheld, and, lo, in the midst of the throne and of the four beasts, and in the midst of the elders, stood "A LAMB" as it had been slain..." (Rev. 5:6). WHAT A REVELATION.... THE SLAIN LAMB STANDING IN THE MIDST OF THE SAVIOURS OF THE ENTIRE WORLD....  

He is not the Lamb dying outside the wall of Jerusalem, He is the exalted Lamb slain in the midst of the throne! In the midst of the four living creatures (THESE ARE SONS.... , standing in the reality of sonship..... THESE ARE REIGNING KINGS.... standing in the authority of the Royal Priesthood..... after the order of Melchizedek) and in the midst of the twenty-four elders (priesthood). Thus the slain Lamb in the midst of God’s kings and priests the cross is working in and by the power of the Spirit of Truth! It is THE SPIRITUAL CROSS..... the cross working within mankind.... the cross in the heart of God, the cross in the throne, the death of the "OUTER LIFE".... that comes to God’s elect by the omnipotence of His Lordship! Here it is... 1Co 15:49...... And as we have borne the image of the earthy, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly. What a wonderful.... glorious work this cross is working...... 

The next setting of the Lamb in Revelation is on mount Zion. John is seeing within his inner man..... thus heavens visions are flowing within his spirit and soul.... quickened and inspired he writes.... And I looked, and lo, a Lamb stood on mount Zion, and with Him an hundred forty and four thousand, having His Father’s name written in their foreheads" (Rev. 14:1). This again is the exalted Lamb, manifesting and reigning through the sons of God! These have the mind of Christ.... these don't spend all day THINKING ABOUT GOD..... these are mature with the power TO THINK LIKE GOD.... TO THINK WITH GOD.... in prefect and vital unity and harmony.... ONE IN THOUGHT AND ACTION..... these are the sons of the living 

God.... These have the nature of the Father plainly visible upon their foreheads.... Christ is formed... settled.... established within... the outer life has been removed, all things that withhold .... all things that hinder the fulness from flowing..... has been swallowed up in great glory and power..... there is the revelation.... the manifestation of "THE CHRIST".... the head manifesting in the midst of his overcoming ones....  

The great truth of the rending of the veil is seen in Jesus. The veil in the temple was rent at the precise moment of Jesus’ death. But the temple was merely a symbol, a shadow of the greater and true and eternal temple.... Christ and His body. Where was the veil rent? "Having therefore, brethren, boldness to enter into the Holiest by the blood of Jesus, by a new and living way, which He hath consecrated for us, through the veil, that is to say, His flesh" (Heb. 10:19-20). The true veil that was rent was "HIS FLESH", for He Himself was the true temple of God, the Holiest of all, the dwelling place of the glory of His Father. His flesh as a man was rent. His human flesh, His natural life, was the veil that covered and concealed the Holy of holies within Him in the same way that the veil in Herod’s temple concealed the Shekinah of Yahweh from the priesthood of Israel. His flesh was rent that the glory of God in Him might be seen in the power of His resurrection.   

Today we are the body of Christ, the temple of God, and the Most Holy Place is in the spirit of sonship within us. The only way that the glory of God within us can be revealed in the power of His resurrection is for the veil of flesh.... in us to be rent! We must have the same experience! Your veil has to be rent! My veil has to be rent! The veil of the flesh, the veil of the carnal mind, the veil of the natural understanding within us must be rent. Jesus is not only the truth and the life.... He is the way. He is the forerunner who on our behalf has entered in to the Holiest of all. But only the forerunner, mark you, for we must follow in His steps and enter in by the power of His blood through the veil of our flesh. Jesus is the Pattern Son! He is the Apostle and High Priest of our profession! He has made it possible for us, He has opened up the way, He has blazed the trail, He has set the example.

Blessings All....

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